Friday, December 5, 2008

tis the season part 2

i just wanted to say something about something i mentioned yesterday. i love charlie brown. poor guy, he's the most depressed person i have ever seen in my life. he so depressed he won't even change his shirt. i know there's a crewneck sweatshirt in his closet with a great big santa clause on the front of it with a poofy white cotton ball thing on the end of santa's hat. i know he has one! he's just so depressed that he has no desire to be a little festive. not even to keep up appearances. it's a sad thing too because that was prolly his favorite shirt until he found the stripe section. 


well this is gonna be a serious post...sorta. read these lyrics real quick.

Joy Williams

It's still a mystery to me
That the hands of God could be so small,
How tiny fingers reaching in the night
Were there very hands that measured the sky

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Son of God, Servant King,
You're here with us
You're here with us

It's still a mystery to me, oh,
How His infant eyes have seen the dawn of time
How His ears have heard an angel's symphony,
But still Mary had to rock her Savior to sleep

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Son of God, Servant King,
You're here with us
You're here with us
(Ohh, mmmm, here with us)

Jesus the Christ, born in Bethlehem
A baby born to save, to save the souls of man

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Son of God, Servant King,
You're here with us
You're here with us

I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! I LOVE IT! from the time that Jesus was on this earth he was giving us the gospel. showing His love to the world, and the world had no clue as to what was going on. there wasn't a procession just a humble little child born in a barn with donkey's and cows and the smells of their deposits. there might have even been chickens in there and they can be annoying but God wasn't worried about making a big deal about His own coming. in fact he sent angels to shepherds, not to the national inquirer or anything, simple shepherds got to witness the greatest show ever to grace this planet! the Bible says that the angels filled the sky! i don't know about you but when i think filled the sky i think there's not even room up there to fit a little chex cereal square thin-ways anywhere. oh to be there when the announcement was made. i can't wait to get up to heaven and see it all for myself. all the angels singing. every child of God singing their HEADS off!!!! singing praises to his name!!! have you told someone the good new of the Christmas season? is there someone that has popped into your head that you need to say something to about the gift of freedom and eternal life that was given to us one holy silent night? is there someone that you need to be praying for that God would open their eyes to the truth? just something to think about it.

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