What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow!
No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
i love this song because it's such a constant remider of His unfailing love and that there's nothing I can do to save myself in any situation.
can you imagine what the heck would happen if we were left in charge of ourselves? we'd be screwed! it would be like the guy who irons is shirt/pants for the first time. he has no clue what he's doing so he turns the iron as high as it goes, doesn't know you add water for steam and burns through the pantalones (both legs cause he doesn't know what on earth he's doin) the top layer and then the pad. The pants then procede to catch on fire because that's just the guys luck and then before you know it he's running around looking for the fire extinguisher that he didn't have cause he didn't go to home depot to get it when it was on sale.
*that's just the mild version of what would happen if it was left up to us*
it sounds rediculous but we can't even take a breath without His help. this might sound really elementary and it is cause i'm not the most philisophical person and i'm just shootin my mouth off more than anything else but i am so excited that i have a God that is always there. always faithful. He forgives. He's full of love and grace to give to me when i need it.
it's such an awesome feeling right now! cause i don't have to worry about things!
on a nother note.
1) phil collins is pretty much awesome!
2) they should make a history class about pirates.
3) the 80's will never die!
4) "Sus Sussudio"
5) IT'S FALL!!!
6) pumkin anything is tasty.
7) red bridge people are pretty awesome!
8) mar comes home today!!!!
9) check out The Weepies if you don't know who they are.
10) barry manilow makes me smile ☺
keep the Son in your eyes!