Thursday, November 13, 2008

the more i seek you.

haha well folks sorry bout the wait. i was outta town for a week and tryin to get back in the swing of things. i am going to try to do this on more of a daily basis though.

these are words to one of my favorite songs.

The more I seek You,
The more I find You.
The more I find You,
The more I love You.

I want to sit at Your feet, 
drink from the cup in your hand. 
Lay back against You and breathe,
feel Your heart beat.
This love is so deep.
It's more than I can stand.
I melt in Your peace
It's overwhelming.

i just wanted to share that because until this summer i can't remember ever feeling like this about my relationship w/ my Savior. in fact my desire was sooo NOT THERE that when my eyes were opened to what i was missing out on and i began to embrace the love of Christ that i became soooo OVERWHELMED and wanted everyone that i ran into and came in contact with to experience that love too! 
it's sooo amazing and reassuring and im' just in awe that God, the giver of life and creator  of the universe would want to have such a deep personal relationship with me.  i mean have you seen any of the pictures that like the spitzer or hubble telescopes have taken? they take my breath away! if you ever wanna be humbled just go look at some of those pictures, or watch the planet earth dvd's....out of all the amazing things that He has created he choose to have the deepest  love and affection towards us. a love that we can't even fully comprehend.
that's incredible! but the sad part is so many people choose not to accept that love that need to be set free! and there are people that keep the love of Christ to themselves and "don't feel the need to go and tell the world!" that makes me mad sometimes but i've been trying to look at it as an opportunity for me to step up and share my faith and encourage others to share theirs. i'm not the poster-child for doing this though. i have been so lackadaisical when it comes to sharing my faith w/ those in need of a savior. I am going to make a conscious effort from this point on to not be shy in sharing the life-changing/life-giving love of God. how bout you?

"Lord, I pray my heart would be broken for the weary and the lost. That your unconditional love would be demonstrated in my actions towards others and that they would experience You and know that You are God."

on a side note.

1) South Carolina is the place to be
2) Cheerwine is the stuff to drink
3) God is the one to dwell in
4) everyone needs to buy or at least listen to the Living for You album by Gateway Worship
5) fall weather is fantastic
6) PE next semester is going to pown (the letter p and the word own) me
7) everyone needs to go to the carolinas during the fall at least once in their life
9) THANKSGIVING IS JUST TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!! -can anyone say turkey cause i can EAT one!
10) God is in control of everything! even your problems! just give em over to Him