Sunday, November 30, 2008

be a slushy.

i just came to the realization tonight (or this morning...which ever you prefer) while i was driving home from seein' some of my besties about what my life should be looking like. it was snowing substantially and the "mush" was beginning to accumulate on the road. and then i remembered that i absolutely HATE to walk in that stuff. I HATE IT!!! mush and canvas shoes do not go well together. it's like chewing bubble gum and eating a mcdonalds ketchup packet at the same time. it definately doesn't go together. EVER! but since my mind wonder's back and forth from reality to non-reality or not even that, it just wonder's the idea of mush began to take shape in my mind as something else.

*it's amazing how God communicates things to us or triggers a thought process, that while it may seem rediculous at the time it's quite practical.*

so as i was driving home tonight and after  watching the mush pass by as i drove safely down quivira i began to think about slushies. track with me please. i promise it will make sense. it first started when i passed the 7 eleven on quivira and 119th but then the wheels in my mind started turning. i thought about how good a slushy is. cherry is the best. but, for some reason known only to the One who know's all things i started to analogize a slushy with my christian walk and my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

i feel the need to be as fresh as can be in my walk with Christ, i want to be renewed daily. hourly. even split-secondly. but i find myself becoming stagnant some times and i can't stand that. then i began to think about a stagnant slushy. it no longer has any slush, it's just the "E" out of slushy. it becomes luke-warm, sticky, and syrup-eee if it's not constantly be fueled with more slushy or being revitalized in the slushy keeper (or the fridge/freezer). 

when we begin to focus on other things and when our desire is not to grow and learn and reach and tell and praise and worship and live and laugh and breathe and think and thank God, when we focus on everything but that, that's when our live's become stagnant. they become "stuck in a rut." there is no more joy, the peace and comfort wears off because we try to handle things that only God can handle. we ultimately become our own idol when do those things because we are saying "God i don't think that you can handle this, or deal with this, and i don't really even think you know exactly what's goin on so i'll just handle this and you take a break. go put your feet up and let me take care of this." we shove God off to the side  and tell Him to go take a coffee break and we decide to do our own will and be wise in our own eyes. we become syrup-eee and sticky and luke-warm and a tad bit runny. we lose focus and until we refocus on what we need to be focusing on we will remain in that distateful state. it's distateful to us and God. God still loves us, just like we still like slushies, but we need to refocus or refreeze because that is the desire of His heart. that we know him intimately. that we bring Him glory and honour and praise and live a life of worship so that the world can see that He is the reason to live! that is our whole purpose here on earth, to bring glory and honour to Him who sit's on the throne!

i don't know about you but i want to be a slushy. not a melted watery skankmcnasty...thing. i want to be a slushy for the cause of Christ! cherry-because i am washed in His blood! HALLELUJIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only He is worthy of our praise!

so next time you see snow mush or when you drive by a 7 eleven maybe it will trigger something in your mind and you will reevaluate where your focus is. is it on you or God? hopefully on the latter. and if not. then PULL OVER AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

i love ya'll!!!!!!! for serious! always and forever!

10 inside jokes

1) uncle george
2) mesquito bites in jamaica
3) Dolce and Gabana
4) TLR
5) "...and jiggly-whaaaaaaaaat?
6) this is why we can't have nice things
7) instead of Yo Yo Ma, there was a misprint and it said Yo Momma
9) cut the rope
10) it'll look good if we cover three quarters of it with the wall

i just wanna say again how thankful i am for all you guys! and i do love ya! i'm not just sayin that! 

keep the SON in your eyes!

2 Corinthians 9:15
"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"

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