Saturday, March 21, 2009


alright guys...i have some news for ya.

i have a new blog.
i am not leaving you.
i would never leave you.
but this new one is better.
i will still come to this one from time to time for a while but then i'll switch over completely.
you can even subscribe to my new one cause i made it so you can...that way you dont have to keep checking back.
i still have one more story i'm working on for you guys that i'm gonna put up here.
here's the new address for my new blog.

you can go there and subscribe and it would be fantastic!
tell your friends!

love ya'll!!

MK...i laughed out loud when i read this last night.
it's out of the book Blue Like Jazz and he's talking about deception as a child.

"I sinned only in bits at first--small lies, little inconsistencies to teachers about homework and that sort of thing. I learned the craft well, never looking my teacher in the eye, always speaking quickly, from the diaphragm, never feeble about the business of deception.
'Where is your homework?' my teacher would ask.
'I lost it.'
'You lost it yesterday. You lost it last week.'
'I am terrible about losing things. I need to learn.' (Always be self-deprecating.)
'What am I going to do with you, Donald?'
'I am grateful for your patience.' (Always be grateful.)
'I should call your mother.'
'She's deaf. Boating accident. Piranha.' (Always be dramatic. Use hand gestures.)"

1 comment:

  1. ooh! tell me about the ins and outs of wordpress. i have been on the fence considering switching over. costly? difficult?
    excited to see your new blog, joey!
