so i arrive down here in the good ol' South and i'm chillin and minding my own beeswax. i had been down here just only about an hour since madre and fasha left and i went to go meet some friends that i hadn't seen yet. well while we were hangin' out and things and they were showing me around the campus they asked me if i wanted to ride with them over to their dorm to help them move some stuff in. i said "sure!" they said great! and while we were in the car they asked me if i liked rap music cause they love to listen to it and make fun of it and so on--and they like to do this so that the entire world knows that they are listening to rap music. well i said "no" of course because i'm not a big fan and they just cracked a joke and they just listened to something else while we drove the two minutes to their dorm.
well there is no way that you will ever be able to tell me that God doesn't have a sense of humor! the next day i am walking to class and i pass this black guy who drives this brand new BMW. no joke. brand spankin' new! i mean it was nice! it was a silver 325 for those who wanted to know.....i'm sorry i digress..so this dude asks me if i want a ride (because i literally have a half mile hike uphill to get to my class from my dorm) and so i was like "if you're offerin'" he said he was so i made my way over and we introduced ourselves and we got in the car. now pause for a moment and look at the above picture. just look at it. notice the glasses, and the striped sweater hoodie, the shifty eyes, and i was wearing some skinny jeans and my trusty chuck taylors, and my messenger bag. now just imagine that for a second. the pictures above will help you out.
now imagine that geek-looking/dork getting into this vehicle.
haha..ok now imagine me being in this car w/ a black dude that could rip my head off if he wanted to just for fun. yeah...is it becoming ever clearer for yall? haha just wait it gets better. if your in a brotha's car the brotha's seats are gonna be in a back position...so "back" you almost upside down. now imagine me not thinking about this at all and just glad someone spoke to me that i plop myself right down in the seat and literally fall backwards flailing my arms cause i was not prepared for the backward dropoff. well i got over that and the guy was real gracious he didn't laugh at my face...instead he turned his head to the side and cracked up...but it wasn't audible. no, you could just see his shoulders rapidly moving up and down like he was hyperventalating. well after we got past that he started her up and we just sat there and listened to her purr for a while...not gonna lie...it was nice.
are you getting anxious yet? or is that picture enough...well i'll finish my story cause it's where it get's good. so we pull out of the dorm parking lot and we start going up the street and we carried on some polite small talk and stuff till we got to the entrance of the school and that's when things got interesting. as we pull into the drive he turned on his music...alright it was rap. now it wasn't just any rap. no it was like "get the beep beep beep on the beep beep beep before i slap the beep off your beep" (something like that) and this stuff was going full blast!!!!!!!! i mean it was so loud that if you were within a mile of the car you'd feel the bass vibrating through the ground...the indians would be confused and think it was herd of buffalo coming...that's how loud it was. ok, still no worries i thought...the windows are tinted dark we'll just cruise up to the parking lot and we will just go our separate ways. is that what God had in mind...no not at all...no He decided that he was gonna make it 65 degrees that day so this guy would wanna roll down his windows. so now let me just clarify this picture for you.
*i, dressed/looking like a dork (because i am one) am asked by a black dude if i wanna ride in his beamer to class. i say yes. he says hop in. i says okee dokee and almost throw my back out not trying to fall back in his seats. he laughs at me. we get over it and we drive. nice chit chat. "oh look, the parking lot, i wanna listen to music now." "what i can't hear you because my brains have vibrated out of my head thanks to the bass in the back." "oh it's a really nice day, i'm gonna roll down my windows." dork who is ashamed to be listening to this "music" is now in plain view of all who pass by.*
are we caught up? good. well not only do the windows go down but people have jus gotten out of class and it was the middle of passing period, in the middle of campus. so this dude drives up this lane that's full, and we are talking full, of students walking up it and he chooses to drive right down the middle of it in between the students. as the car goes by this is what they see. a brotha that could rip my head off drivin' this super nice BMW blastin the bass to a genre that i despise, and there is a dork in his glasses and hoodie clutching w/ white knuckles his messenger bag in the passenger seat with his window down. "mr. i hate rap" has just become the poster child. and God is just sittin up there watchin all this like it's a three's company rerun or something, just cracking up i'm sure because this guy that said "no way" has just been turned into a "yes way" and is terrified at the fact. and not only was God laughing cause i saw first hand the students that we passed trying to suppress their laughter. and then i realized what it looked like and i started to laugh and this dude just couldn't see what was so funny but i find it hilarious hahahahahahahahahaha.....no seriously...i don't think i did this story justice at all, it is just one of those things that you could only find in a tim conway movie or something. it cracks me up everytime i think about it. boy does God have a sense of humor!
just be careful about what you say you don't like, or you "won't" do, or what is lame, cause God will definately have something up His sleeve and chances are He's gonna be laughin' like he was watchin' and episode of Hee Haw. well that's all i got for ya tonight. hope you enjoyed. if you still didn't follow the story just call me..i can explain it better speaking...hahaha peace out guys!!!! i got some good stuff coming up!! get excited!!!
10 Song's that need to be listened to
1) You Are Good - Gateway Worship
2) Save Me - Gateway Worship
3) Beautiful - Gateway Worship
4) Just Blue - The Weepies
5) All This Beauty - The Weepies
6) In My Arms - Jon Foreman
7) True Colors - Phil Collins (you didn't think i would make this list w/o some phil did ya)
8) Is It Love - Mr. Mister
9) Human - The Killers ( i don't care if it's overplayed...it's just that good)
10) Love Me Like the World is Ending - Ben Lee
that is hilarious.
ReplyDeletegreat photo, btw.
true colors: classic.
showing my age, hey?
need that ben lee song...
don't have that one.
keep it comin'!
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious--aren't you glad God has a sense of humor?
Take care!
that's the best thing i've heard all day. i actually did laugh out loud. :)
ReplyDeletejoey, i love you and laughed so hard at that story...you really need to come home though, because i miss you, and i need you to bring me something
ReplyDeletethat was me by the way!
ReplyDeleteme as in
love ya
Again... me laughing for an entire post. We should talk about your writing sometime.
ReplyDeleteand I promise I'm not a stalker. I'm just incredibly bored.