Thursday, June 4, 2009
i'm not a sleeze.
i feel like a sleeze using this to get people over to my new blog but not too much of a sleeze to do it again hahahaha
Saturday, May 30, 2009
haha i lied. i'm posting another one.
it's rather humerous. for all those who make trips to the library on a regular basis.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
check it out!
NEW POST GUYS!!! well i've put up a couple but yeah...i think i'm gonna be making the switch officially to wordpress for everything now. i might check back occasionally but for the most part i'm stickin to wordpress. come find me! subscribe or whatever you wanna do!
here's the link!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
another one fo shizz!
it's another new one!!! it's really exciting too!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
it's a new one!
i've got a new post up on the new blog! check it out if you dare! if you don't well that's ok too i guess. there's even a link to subscribe if you wanna...here's the link.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
alright guys...i have some news for ya.
i have a new blog.
i am not leaving you.
i would never leave you.
but this new one is better.
i will still come to this one from time to time for a while but then i'll switch over completely.
you can even subscribe to my new one cause i made it so you can...that way you dont have to keep checking back.
i still have one more story i'm working on for you guys that i'm gonna put up here.
here's the new address for my new blog.
you can go there and subscribe and it would be fantastic!
tell your friends!
love ya'll!!
MK...i laughed out loud when i read this last night.
it's out of the book Blue Like Jazz and he's talking about deception as a child.
"I sinned only in bits at first--small lies, little inconsistencies to teachers about homework and that sort of thing. I learned the craft well, never looking my teacher in the eye, always speaking quickly, from the diaphragm, never feeble about the business of deception.
'Where is your homework?' my teacher would ask.
'I lost it.'
'You lost it yesterday. You lost it last week.'
'I am terrible about losing things. I need to learn.' (Always be self-deprecating.)
'What am I going to do with you, Donald?'
'I am grateful for your patience.' (Always be grateful.)
'I should call your mother.'
'She's deaf. Boating accident. Piranha.' (Always be dramatic. Use hand gestures.)"
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
quick trip home.
haha ok. so as some people know, last week over spring break i was sick for most of the week. well even though i didn't get to do everything i wanted/planned to do and see all the people i wanted to see my flight home was not at all boring. in fact it was probably one of the best flights i have ever had. it was epic.
everytime you fly you meet people...sometimes whether you want to or not, but you will always meet someone. you might not ever catch their name but for the duration of your flight they never quite seem to shut their mouths. now i'm a talkative person, i really am, but i never have been on an airplane which made this flight so much more enjoyable. i finally got on the plane...i was literally the last one to get on because they overbooked and i almost got 2 free roundtrip vouchers...but i didnt make the cut...still am disappointed bout that. REALLY disappointed...i had plans.
*and i would just like to say this about that...i'm amazed at how long it takes for us to concock things in our brains. in the 33.2 seconds that i found out i could get 2 free roundtrip vouchers i had designated a purpose for both of them. just that quick. this is no lie. how many times do we make plans without even putting God in the mix and at least running it by him for his yea or nay? just a thought. mk back to the story.*
so i get on the plane hoping it will be a peaceful flight. not only was it peaceful but i had live on-board entertainment sitting in the seat right next to me. this lady was definately in her early 50's but she was nice and polite. she was headed to fayettville (i probably didn't spell that right but it's chill, whatever...the location is in NC). so after we take off and she gets out her "keep-me-occupied-kit" which contains a novel the size of my forearm on Mary Queen of Scotts and she has her trusty ipod and everything. we are not up in the air for 15 minutes and she decides she would like to sleep. well that's good news for me because i'm not a big fan of conversations on airplanes. but i was not at all prepared for what was about to happen next.
she rolled up her jacket like a normal person would, to lay against the window (for which i am also bitter about because it was actually my window seat but i wasn't going to make a scene in front of the whole plane) she put in her earbuds to her ipod and closed her eyes to go off to dreamland or wherever those of you in your 50's and up go when you sleep. I'd be makin' a run to taco bell during my mid-life crisis hahaha but that's just me and i'm sure my priorities will change slightly once i reach some maturity level. well that was nice. i was going to have the whole flight to myself. me, myself, and i. well about 20 minutes later, a movement in my peripherals grabbed my attention. it was odd because i was so focused on my sudoku at the time but i figured hey i need a little break so i looked up from my sudoku book and glanced over at my seat buddy. the ipod had gone into sleep mode. the ear-buds had fallen out of the lady's ears. a glimmer of light flashed quickly off the stream of drool coming out of the corner of her mouth. that was hilarious to see. not gonna lie. i worked so hard not to laugh out loud. then as i am watching her she starts to mover her mouth. i thought "oh THIS is going to be good." she starts moving her mouth in the forms of words and such things. but no sound was coming out. i was like "well maybe she's mute" but then i remembered how we exchanged a few polite words as i was getting in my seat so i ruled that one out. then i was like "well maybe she was spazzing out in her mouth." it seemed logical, but the more i watched and the more her mouth moved in specific shapes and such i realized that she was speaking to someone on the other side of those eye-lids. now she's just chatting away with herself...silently, and then she begins to add facial emotions into what she's saying...with her eyes closed. THE LADY WAS SLEEP TALKING MINUS THE SOUND!!!!!!!!!
it was the funniest thing i had ever seen! and the mullet that she was sporting was the icing on the cake! i'm not gonna lie, i SO wanted to just sit there and face her and start moving my mouth at her like we were having a conversation so when the flight attendant walked by she would freak out because she would think she couldn't hear us. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA as all of THOSE thoughts started running through my head i knew i was about to cross the point of no return...but my "depth perception" was off and i had already crossed that point of no return.
i began to laugh uncontrollably but it was one of those that you think you can suppress. so i start to laugh and so i close my mouth and just sit there. and then i begin to feel this sensation of my shoulders moving up and down up and down up and down and they were speeding up like they were getting ready to start an engine or something! they started going so fast that i'm pretty sure the people in the seats behind me thought i was having a seizure myself! this was not the case though. as my shoulders picked up speed i began to feel my whole upper body start to go with the flow and i began laughing so hard my seat began to shake. well this kept up for about 10 seconds or so until i ran out of air and had to take a deep breath so i was trying to be subtle about it, but you just cant be subtle with those kinds of things. not when you are in the middle of having the best ab workout ever. so instead of taking a nice calm deep breath. i take in this *GASP* that frightened the mullet lady and made her jump. which made me jump. which made the old man across the aisle from me look over with a look on his face that said "iiiiiii'm gonna need some more Depends." this is no lie. i kid you not. this is no exaggeration.
after miss fayettville awoke from her beauty sleep with a jolt, she decided to go about everything like nothing had ever happened. like that drool line still wasn't glistening out of the corner of her mouth. like her ipod had never turned off. like mary queen of scotts never closed her cover. just like nothing ever happened.
she didn't talk to me for the rest of the flight which i am grateful for because i don't think i could have sat there and had a decent conversation with the lady because the picture of a silent sleep-talking mullet lady would be pasted over her face and i dont think it would work out.
haha that's the funny story i promised you guys. haha all 5 of my readers. but hey, seriously...go check out my new blog cause i think i'm going to be mostly using that one now...i will still check back every once in a while and maybe post a little something but most my stuff is going to be on my new blog now so check it out! tell your friends!
here it is.
there ya go! love you guys!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
just a little beef..
SOOOOOOOoooooo....i'v got lots to tell yall!!!!
first of all...i didn't realize how homesick i was until i came home and then had to leave again...that was quite a shock just HOW much i missed kansas and the people that are there....even the ones i got to talk to just for a little bit and i miss you guys already.
second, i have decided to do something from now until i die. when i was in charlotte on my way back to kansas my flight ended up being delayed for quite a bit i ended up having 6 hours to kill. i didn't mind that because i could spend days in an airport just watching people. so as i was sitting in starbucks watching people noting which ones are chumps and which ones are probably the watcher for their local neighborhood watch program but there were another group of people. they would walk through the airport with a look of unsure apprehension (that's the best way i can describe it), almost despair on their faces as they walked through the airport. some would walk through, some would go through by wheelchair or crutches, some had a brand new family following them with their little girl clinging to her daddy's hand. they would walk through in small groups of two or three or even by themself (i saw many of these) and they all had that look on their face and would walk through the airport looking around as if they were looking for someone. and every single one of these guys had something in common. they were all wearing the uniform of a military branch. the people that were sacrificing more than most of us could even possibly imagine sacrificing, were walking through the airport looking for just a smile to say thank you yet people would purposefully avoid them. i am not making this up. this wasn't just something that happened to one person that was walking through, this was definately a pattern, people would avoid them and not even acknowledge them. there was not even the slightest smile given. now i know there were people that were in a hurry that were in their own little world trying to get to their gate before the plane left them but not everyone was in a hurry. there were even people that looked down their noses at these young men and women as they passed through concourse C. i sat there and watched this for about 15 minutes and i couldn't stand it anymore so i went up to three of these guys and thanked them for what they did and how i SO appreciated what they do and the sacrifice they make and that i loved 'em and praying for 'em, and their demeanor changed immediately. it was seriously like night and day.
now i'm not saying that to say "looky what i did." cause i'm not a goody two shoes but im saying this because i am sick of the disrespect and snubbing that we (the american public) demonstrate to our men and women in the service. it doesn't matter where we are. in the airport, the grocery store, at church, shopping, in the gym...wherever you are, don't ignore them. don't walk by them like they have done nothing. who cares if you dont know them. they dont know you and they're fighting for you. they are your father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son, cousin, uncle, aunt, friend, coworker, grandma, grandpa, brother in-law, sister in-law, son in-law, daughter in-law, fiance, boyfriend, girlfriend...these people are just like you and me. i don't care whether you support the reason that we are at war and where we're at war or whether you dont support it...these men and women dont have a choice or a say in where they go to protect to you and fight for you so why don't you just say thank you. it's the least you can do. next time you see someone in a uniform just go up to them and say thanks. even if it's out of your way, and you're already in line to checkout...i dare you to thank a soldier. once you do it you probably will keep doing it, and people learn by example so if they see you do that the chances of them thanking a soldier are greater.
after my trip i really felt like i needed to say that cause even our government isn't doing much to help them out...they are just helping them enough to get by..people on welfare are living better than some of the soldiers that come back home...this is not a lie. and dont get me started on the lack of care for veterans. democrats and republicans and independents and even the Nader-followers have seriously SERIOUSLY slacked off and done quite a sucky job taking care of these guys.
well that's my beef and i am SO glad i got that off my chest! that is not a lie. i promise there will be something more upbeat coming. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!! ten things coming up on the next post!
have a good spring break for those who are enjoying one right now!
*ponder this for a sec*
Romans 12:1
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer you bodies as living sarifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your siritual act of worship."
happy st patty's day!!!
get excited.
ok people! exciting things!!!
1) i come home on friday!!
2) no more tests this week!! (i had four in two days)
3) no more homework this week!!
4) i am changing my major slightly!!
*instead of just Youth Ministry....i'm going with an interdisciplinary major w/ Youth Ministry and Print Media...and i am SO PUMPED about this newest development!!
5) i am going to get to have Chipotle and Taco Bell and Mi Ranchito and Chinese galore and lasagna and all of mom's cooking!!! MMMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM
i. cannot. wait!!
6) i get to fly!!
*i will be blogging about this because i love to fly and can sit in an airport for hours and just watch people so i guaruntee i will blog about this.
7) did i mention i get to come home on friday!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
cheese cubes, cookies, and chucks.
so...i would just like to "share'' something with you about what has gone on this weekend, because i feel that i need to get it off my chest.

So it all started out on Friday morning when I was required to get up for an 8 oclock class. This wouldn't be so bad if there were other classes that I needed to attend that day, but nooooo...I just have one class on Friday...and it just so happens to be at 8 oclock in the morning. So to make it on time to class, I have to get up by 6ish so that I can prepare for the day etc. so now not only is my class early in the morning but I have to get up at the death hour just so I can make it to the class. Well I had no clue what the elements were like outside but when I walked out my door I was greeted by rain..yippee. Now I am not a hater of rain bu
t when I need to walk half a mile uphill in it...I am not as appreciative as I usually am...oh yeah, and usually there is a shuttle that runs from my dorm up to the classes but since I sorta kinda missed the shuttle I had to trec up the hill like I was climbing Everest or something. Well finally class got over and I went back to my room...in the rain...no big deal. I have detected a pattern here at NGU regarding Fridays. The place is deserted by 3 oclock every Friday...usually I have things to do or I have been out of town but this Friday I had no where to go so I decided to go walk around...in the rain...to see what I could see...be who I could be...maybe even climb a tree...that didn't work out so well. Well Friday was over.
Hello Saturday. aturday was nice because I was notified that a certain package had arrived. And it was SO worth it! I aquired a brand new pair of Chuck Taylors. Yes. Yes I did. They are awesome/incredible. I would like to share them with you now.
mmmmmmmmmm just look at those guys.

I cannot tell you how many compliment I have recieved from them but they are scrumptious to lay your eyes on and feast. They are just that good.
So I recieved these shoes and attempted to study on Saturday. But really...who can study when they have a brand new pair of Chucks just staring at you. I believe I only read two sentences in my textbook the entire day...it sat opened on my bed the whole day but I just couldn't bring myself to read it. Instead I sat there all day and listened to Bob Marley and The Weepies and thought about how bad I wanted to go back to Jamaica...I would LOVE TO!!! ...haha if anyone wants to send me I would go in a heart beat. I miss the people that I got to work with...the kids, the teachers, the people at the infermary, and I just miss the sound of the ocean in the background. So I just sat there all day and wished. Then I debuted my chucks when I went to go get some food for din din. People were in awe...they literally collapsed because they couldn't breathe just because the Chucks take people's breath away. They can't help it that they're beautiful hahaha. So I sat in my room...eating a chicken and cheese quesedilla with veggies and watched some good ol' youtube...and then concluded with a Pirate's movie.
Sunday!!! Sunday!!! Alright, this is where this post get's good. Day three of the weekend and it is still raining continuously. Seriously..there had not been a break the whole weekend. So I go to church in the morning..it was incredibly excellente. Then I sat and watched the rain. Well, my friend invited me to go to church with her that night so I said I would go. So while we are in church it starts to snow...this is no lie..it actually snowed. No I am not pulling your leg...why would I ever do something like that...haha well anyways it did start to snow. When we walked out of church the snow was still falling..and it was the good kind of snow..the kind that you can just old in your hand and it will turn itself into a snowball. But there was not a whole lot of it. But you would have thought we were all going to die, but the way that people were acting/reacting. I have never seen so many people at the same time rush to the grocery store to buy bread and milk. I am not exaggerating. You would have thought that Dooms Day was upon us. People running around with sign that say THE END IS NEAR but the word near was crossed out and had HERE written in red ink above it. These people were going crazy..it was only 7 oclock and the city shut down. We tried to go to two different Taco Bell's and they both rejected us. I cannot even begin to describe to you the pain and hurt I felt inside as a result of getting rejected by TB. "I haven't had you since January 11th and you treat me this way!!!" *ahem* Anyways, so we went to the next best place...haha kinda...WAFFLE HOUSE!!!! Yes. I ate breakfast for dinner and thouroghly enjoyed it. So while at Waffle House I recieved a phone call that stated that school had been cancelled for Monday. Well I cannot express the joy i felt about that bit of information so I decided to celebrate by going to Wal-Mart and purchacing my very own loaf of bread and gallon of milk. I was disappointed in the selection though when we arrived at Wal-Mart I settled for a two pound bag of cheese cubes and Chewy Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. tastey.
So all that to say...I had a snow day today...for a half an inch of snow which was completely melted by 11 oclock this morning. What did I do for my day off school? Go on ask. I'll wait. Ask me.
here's a quote that I read last night from John Piper's book "Don't Waste Your Life" that I wanted to share with you guys...and on top of that it's a book that I recommend for you to read if you have not done so. If you have..read it again.
"[Civilians] love to hear of the triumhs of the troops. The dream about the day when war will be no more. So it is with Christians. All of us should dream abou tthis. We should love to hear how the advance of King Jesus is faring. We should love to hear of gospel triumphs as Christ plants his church among peoples held for centuries by alien powers of darkness. This is God's design in world history--that people form all nations and tribes and languages come to worship and treasure Christ above all things."
love you guys.
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