Wednesday, February 18, 2009

pure awesomeness.

alright. i promised that i would blog about my moment in the gymnasium of working out. so let me just "share" with you.

so i prepared myself to go up know do some pre-workout yoga..stuff. as you can tell i am a seasoned workoutter....haha ok maybe not but the gym definately smelled like it had been seasoned with amonia. now i'm no rocket scientist but i do believe the fumes of amonia are hazardous to your health. but amonia was the least of my worries. 
i go in there and it's a cute little gym...actually it is a bit intimidating...and i head strait to the treadmill. "brilliant" i thought to myself, "something that i might be able to do and look good at" because i am so concerned for my "physical wellness" (what does that even mean anyway...just call it PE!!)--please my physical wellness goes like this:

"well it looks like i can lift that taco up to my mouth without straining myself."

so anyways. i get on this treadmill and i was soon to find out that the amonia smell was the least of my worries. a guy who was walkin' around the place like he was all that and a bag of he owned the place...gets on the treadmill next to me. the shere intensity of the AXE body spray that he had BATHED in almost knocked me off the treadmill. i had to run for 35 minutes holding my breath thanks to mr. hunk-o-cheese. well anyway so i'm running and the cheeseman is running next to me and he starts pushing all these buttons AND THEN THE TREADMILL STARTED TO RAISE UP LIKE SOMETHING IN A SCI-FI but the back end stayed down. DID YOU KNOW THEY COULD SIMULATE INCLINES IN A STATIONARY MANNER!!!!! genious. well i couldn't help that my brain started working overtime and that guy began to look more and more like the yodler climing up the mountain on The Price Is Right. and i did my best to control myself because i'm not the best at multi-tasking and i was on a stationary-moving treadmill belt so to laugh would no doubt mean a broken nose and maybe a few missing limbs...haha maybe even my face (you just never know with those kinds of situations). well it was at the point where i thought i had gotten myself under control when the Big Cheese looks at me and gives me the head toss back gesture as to say "check me out. pure awesomeness" but as he did that i still had the little yodler in my mind and i almost lost it. well praise God that the dude saw a lady on the bicycle so he left and i could continue enduring unneccessary pain. 

after seeing "the man" make his treadmill go up and down...i decided i wanted to do that. fail. it went up and i continued--no matter how hard i was running--to gradually move down to the bottom of the treadmill. i figured i had had my fun w/ the incline mechanism and i was not going to let it take my life so lowered said treadmill and kept on chuggaluggin' along. 

well thank God that was over! after not really donig any physical excercise for 6 months or so, the toll it takes on you is GINORMOUS!!!! rediculous to say the least. i mean really. whose idea was it to have PE in college anyways!?! dumb dumbs!!! didn't they know that i don't do that kinda stuff anymore!?! well needless to say i survived. if i didn't i would not be blogging this to you. but i will say that i think God sent me a sign tonight. when i was walking back to my room there was lightning everywhere and i just feel that that was God saying i don't need to go back and do that anymore cause i paid my dues. i might be reading into the weather a little more than i probably should but hey whatever gets me outta PE i'm for it. baha.

i'm not a hater, so i'm not hating on PE, or the PE coach, or even the gym in which i had to go fulfill my duty as a student of PE class...but i don't so much appreciate recieveing a grade for my performance in PEE!!! haha buuuuutt i survived and i will probably go back again to show that CHEESE MEISER who's BOSS!!!!

Jesus Loves You!!! :)


  1. hahahahah JOEY!
    you're amazing.
    i cracked up.
    outloud. :)

    i'm glad you had an awesome experience.
    STICK IT TO MR. CHEESEMAN! you can do it!

  2. Keep it up Joey! It is good for you:)
    I enjoy reading your posts--keep blogging!

  3. seriously, you make my college experience seem nothing short of boring.

  4. thanks for following through on the gym post.

  5. oh gosh... i laughed through this entire post. literally the ENTIRE thing. And anyone who passed me probably thought I was insane.

    yodeler... hahaha...

    and just in case you can't figure it out.. this is the hater from Spanish.
