Friday, January 2, 2009

hit me with your best shot.

i would like you to start giving me ideas to post blogs about. i'll be doing some of my own ideas fo sho but i would like to be givin some ideas and have a little fun with it...anyone is free to do so either on the comment part or email or facebook (which is God's gift to the world after Jesus and taco bell and chipotle and zaxby's and phil collins--some people have differing opinions on that one but mine is right cause this is my blog bwa-ha-ha [that was my cheap imitation evil laugh...that's what you get on a low budget *insert Debbie Downer whop whaaaaaa noise here*]). now i'm not being lazy at all but i wanna try it out and see how it goes. it can be just about anything. or you can not give me ideas, cause i know only like MAYBE 5 people read this but watevs. you've got some good stuff coming your way. no it's not be being wrapped up with 13 year old wrapping paper and and bow on top and sit on your porch, but there is some good stuff coming. 

here's a few teasers for ya just to give a little hint--after you read these you'll be checking this blog more than you do your facebook or your little kid's diaper (just put yourself into whichever category fits you best):

1)why did the chicken cross the road?
    answer: yeah right like i'd tell you, you're just gonna have to keep checking back to find that one out!! get excited!

2)knock knock. who's there?
     answer: haha like i said you'll have to keep checking back to find out. just keep taking your blood pressure medicine so you'll be able to stand the wait. i know you're dying to find out who's really at the door.

3)is joey a dork?
     answer: absolutely. just thought i'd clear that up for all those who were giving me way to much credit on life...(i have just "set you up" to tell me how much of a dork i'm not but shhhh i didn't say anything in the parenthesis)

well i know you just can't wait! so i'm gonna let you jam the switchboard with ideas :) =) ;)

DO IT!!!!!!!please.

get excited!!!


  1. write about how the belly button is the equivalent of the black hole...:) or you could just write about in a pickle.

  2. first post:
    introduce us to your new coastal some pics!
